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Until We Dream Of Life, And Life Becomes A Dream.

Imagine never having any of your dreams come true.


Imagine the feeling in your gut when you realize that if you would have left your home about 2 minutes earlier, that fatal car accident that you passed on your way to your dentist appointment, the one that galvanized you to feeling it necessary to summon your phone and record the macabre scene for your Instagram Story, would have been you. Imagine having two minutes.

Imagine if love was currency and currency, was love. How hungry would you be for the love of money?

Imagine being a good person.

Imagine thinking that your actions do not affect others.

Imagine being asked to stay a little longer. Imagine how you would feel if people smiled when you walked into a room. Imagine being told ‘no’ for the right reason. Or having a clean bill of mental hygiene that allows and compels you to not worry and succumb to anxiety. Imagine treating every single person how you would want and expect them to treat you. Imagine if false flags and race wars and divisiveness and discrimination and school shootings and pandemics and homelessness and global warming and infidelity and environmental racism and cancer and human trafficking and false convictions and homophobia and bullying and conditional love and eugenics were only available in books and film, for (lack of) entertainment purposes only. Imagine life without HIV/AIDS. Imagine women having autonomy over their bodies and not having them policed.

Take a moment, close your eyes, and imagine being happy.

Imagine love choosing you.

Imagine freedom. Equity.

Imagine how powerful you are for understanding that you matter. Imagine what it must feel like for others to know that there is only one of you. Intentionally.

Imagine knowing your worth. Imagine knowing your worth. Imagine knowing your worth.

Imagine being necessary.

Imagine being unafraid.

Imagine being alive.

Imagine knowing your purpose. Now imagine how it would feel to live in it.

Imagine how it must feel to be filthy rich and not be able to trust anyone around you. Family or friends. A lifestyle of loneliness. Imagine thinking that money is everything. Imagine saying something to someone that makes their day better. Imagine never needing a hero and unintentionally becoming one. The directional karma would be cyclical, thus giving you what you’ve imagined you would never need.

Imagine wanting to be exactly who you are.

Imagine the energy on August 28th, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Now imagine keeping that same energy all 2022.

Imagine being honest.

Imagine having the opportunity to change for the better and not being judged for the person you used to be.

Imagine good sex.

Imagine not feeling strong, and then being admired for your strength.

Imagine having elected officials who act with integrity on behalf of and in the best interests of the public.

Imagine trolling social media, bearing witness to the blessings, happiness, and fortunes bestowed on a friend. Or a foe. You believe that you should have what they have, and maybe even more. For months you navigate life with a bag of bitter chips on your shoulder seasoned with jealousy and resentment for being the one who can’t afford and unable to do. You can’t seem to figure out why life has been so cruel to you. Why God has shown you no favor. Now imagine the look on your face when you learn that you didn’t earn your job, but it was given to you. It was given to you because you were prayed for by the same person who you resent for being happy and having the things for which you were not rewarded. They also put in a call to secure your job interview and position because what you don’t know is that your resume had already been reviewed and dismissed.

Imagine being presumptuous. 

Imagine being.

Imagine thinking none of your dreams have ever come true.



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