I suppose it’s all my fault. I can’t explain nor do I excuse my antagonizing persona, which is interesting because somehow, I find some way to defend it. Evading the unjustifiable by suppressing the truth. Contrary to living in the moment, hindsight has a strong tendency to bring focus to the blur of faux vividness, unveiling what we sometimes wish we would’ve seen that would later obliterate regret. It takes a combination of acceptance and candor for a person to understand themselves. But it’s perception that underscores the determining factor and allows us to see things as they are. To mend the chasm.
I know how I am and I know who I am, but I don’t know why I am how I am. Sure, I could come up with a multitude of things and reason with myself as to why I internalize more than others or why I treat others in such a manner that I may kick myself for later – blame it on my past. Blame it on my sign. Aries, sun. Aries, rising. Scorpio, moon. Depending on reason to defend my excuse. I’m sorry. But I won’t apologize for being me.