This is a question that often leads to agony when it really doesn’t have to. How many times have you been interested in a guy who’s shown little to no reciprocity? Now, how many times have you had conversations with your friends, colleagues (and yourself) explaining his behavior to see if he fits the mold of a guy who wants to date you? I get it, in the moment, rejection can be just as monumentally embarrassing as the moment you ask him how he feels about you. But the only way to truly know how he feels, is to ask HIM. The direct approach works better than playing the guessing game. Just be prepared for his response, which may not be the one you want to hear. But with truth comes a colossal amount of anti-anxiety. *insert xanax* If you go into the ring knowing and being okay with the fact that not everyone will desire you in the way you want them [to], you’ve already won the fight. And careful asking your friends about another guy, because that friend could simultaneously be asking their friend about you.
Also, it's okay to let him/her know how you feel about them. It's also okay for his feelings not to be in sync with yours. Timing is everything and transparency is long as your transparency doesn't include you asking them for their hand in marriage after week 1.
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