The clairvoyant and empathetic are often misunderstood because of what they live to understand and practice. What I don’t understand are the composing determining factors of what’s to come; be it in the next few minutes, the next few years, or by the end of this passage.
The spiritual believe that there’s a higher power that creates a decisive path for us to follow without questioning. The non-believers are convinced that they have some sort of sixth sense that provides them with the ability to taste foods of an individual’s future long before they conjure the craving.
The Bayesian interpretation of probability suggests why no one truly knows how Wednesday comes after Tuesday, and if the sun will rise on either day. Thus creating the sunrise problem. This is when probability is used to evaluate plausibility of past observations to effectively determine (or hypothesize) that indeed, the sun will rise tomorrow. But in the end, by that theory daily occurrences are more of an inference than fact. Yet the clairvoyant seek praise & gratitude when true life is a product of predicted outcomes.
Is it luck or intuitive extrasensory wisdom?
It’s been said that each of us are in control of our own lives yet we seem not to have any control over the things that happen to us – only reactions, and many times we find ourselves reacting to our initial reactions and the reactions that we react to are time sensitive; leaving us to regret incidence that was out of our control to begin with.
Accepting and preventing are two key ingredients in the recipe of the perception of the prospective tomorrow. Although not impossible to achieve, the task in itself can be very demanding and frustrating. However, the experience comes with a side of appreciation because as with all things, experience aides in the development of character, helping to define to our psychological make-up and outlining who we are as inhabitants.
So should we not consider the attempt of trying to understand what tomorrow holds and learn to live with and take life as its handed to us? Should we not question the debilitating finale of when “what’s to come” arrives? Or should we fly through a cloud of meritocracy, settling without a fight? As long as the sun continues to rise, we can continue to be.
"Honey, I don't do, I just am."
-James St. James, Party Monster
